Teradata Delete Statement

Teradata Delete statement deletes the records from a table. You can delete either all the records or some specific records from an existing table using the delete statement.

Teradata Delete Statement syntax

The syntax for the Teradata Delete statement is as below.

The syntax for deleting all the records 

DELETE FROM DatabaseName.TableName;

The syntax for deleting specific records

DELETE FROM DatabaseName.TableName
WHERE condition;

Teradata Delete statement example

Consider the following employee table.

empno ename dob job mgr hiredate sal deptno
1 SMITH 24-02-1988 CLERK 7902 13-06-2016 800 20
2 JONES 10-07-1988 SALESMAN 7698 18-05-2018 1600 30
3 BLAKE 25-10-1990 SALESMAN 7698 26-03-2016 1250 30
4 CLARK 23-09-1991 MANAGER 7839 31-10-2015 2975 20
5 SCOTT 12-01-1992 MANAGER 7839 11-06-2016 2850 10
6 KING 05-08-1988 ANALYST 7839 14-05-2017 2450 10
7 TURNER 17-09-1988 PRESIDENT 7566 05-05-2017 3000 20

The below SQL statement deletes all the records from the employee table.

DELETE FROM Teradatapoint.tbl_employee;

You can use the select statement to check if all the records are deleted.

teradata delete statement

The below statement deletes only the employee record whose empno is 5.

DELETE FROM Teradatapoint.tbl_employee
where empno=5;