Teradata Joins

Joins mean joining more than one table based on the common columns/values from these tables. Joins are helpful to get meaningful data for business queries.

Teradata supports different kinds of join as below.

  • Inner Join.
  • Left Outer Join.
  • Right Outer Join.
  • Full Outer Join.
  • Self Join.
  • Cross Join.
  • Cartesian Production Join. 

Inner Join

Inner Join combines records from more than one table and returns the values that exist in both the tables.

Inner Join Syntax

The syntax for Inner join is as follows.

Select column1, column2, ...., columnN
from DatabaseName.TableName1
on column1=column2
where condition;

Inner Join Example

Consider the following employee and department table.

Employee Table

empno ename dob job mgr hiredate sal deptno
1 SMITH 24-02-1988 CLERK 7902 13-06-2016 800 20
2 JONES 10-07-1988 SALESMAN 7698 18-05-2018 1600 30
3 BLAKE 25-10-1990 SALESMAN 7698 26-03-2016 1250 30
4 CLARK 23-09-1991 MANAGER 7839 31-10-2015 2975 20
5 SCOTT 12-01-1992 MANAGER 7839 11-06-2016 2850 10
6 KING 05-08-1988 ANALYST 7839 14-05-2017 2450 10
7 TURNER 17-09-1988 PRESIDENT 7566 05-05-2017 3000 20

Department Table

deptno deptname location

The following query joins the employee table and department table on the common column deptno.

select empno, ename, depname, job, hiredate, location
from teradatapoint.employee 
inner join 
on employee.deptno = department.deptno
order by empno;

When the above query executed, it returns the following records.

teradata inner join

Employee 2 and 3 are not included in the resultset as it does not have the matching records in the department table.

Outer Join 

Outer join can be three types.

  • Left Outer Join – returns all the records from the left table and only the matching records from the right table.
  • Right Outer Join – returns all the records from the right table and only the matching records from the left table.
  • Full Outer Join – It combines the results from both the left outer and right outer. It returns both matching and non-matching rows from the join tables.

Outer Join syntax

Select column1, column2, ..., columnN
from DatabaseName.TableName1
on column1=column2
where condition;

Outer Join Example

Left Outer Join

The following query returns all the records from the left table i.e. from the employee table even the matching records are not present in the right table i.e. department table.

select empno, ename, depname, job, hiredate, location
from teradatapoint.employee 
left outer join 
on employee.deptno = department.deptno
order by empno;

After executing the above query, it returns the below result.

Teradata left outer join

Right Outer Join

The following query returns all the records from the right table i.e. department table even the matching records are not present in the left table i.e. from the employee table.

select empno, ename, depname, job, hiredate, location
from teradatapoint.employee 
right outer join 
on employee.deptno = department.deptno
order by empno;

After executing the above query, it returns the below result.

teradata right outer join

Full Outer Join

The following join query returns both the matching and non-matching records from the employee and department table.

select empno, ename, depname, job, hiredate, location
from teradatapoint.employee 
full outer join 
on employee.deptno = department.deptno
order by empno;

When the above query executes, it returns the following result.

teradata full outer join


Cross join joins every row from the left table to every row from the right table.

Cross join Syntax

Following is the syntax of cross join.

Select column1, column2, ..., columnN 
from DatabaseName.TableName1 
where condition;

Cross Join Example

The following query is an example of the cross join in Teradata.

select empno, ename, depname, job, hiredate, location
from teradatapoint.employee 
cross join 
where empno=1
order by empno;

When the above query is executed, it produces the following output. Employee 1 from the employee table is joined with every record from the department table.

teradata cross join